Sponsor us…

The proposal
In the current climate, we understand that companies have to ensure best value in their sponsorship decisions. We think partnering with the Queensferry Pipes & Drums offers just that. In this proposal we hope to demonstrate that choosing to sponsor our band – “your” band - will bring the very best in terms of brand exposure, and grass roots investment in the community, as well as great entertainment and fun at your corporate events! Please take a minute to have a look through. We are incredibly excited about sharing our ambitions and successes with a like-minded sponsor and would love to talk further. Thanks for your time. Queensferry Pipes and Drums

Our story

The town of South Queensferry in the past did have 2 pipe bands, Queesferry Caledonia and Queensferry and District. Unfortunately these ceased to exist in the late 90s and early 2000s. In 2018 a group of ex members and local players got together for the Ferry Fair parade, and the Queensferry Memorial Band was created. After a couple of successful Ferry Fair parades, we decided to change the name to Queensferry Pipes & Drums and register ourselves as a full time band. We successfully raised funds, to purchase uniforms and drums. With the band deciding to use the Giants Causway Tartan for our kilts, which has been greatly received. We purchased a set of used Andanti drums which have recently gone through a refurbishment and colour change from green to the blue to compliment the uniform. The leadership of the band is directed by our Pipe Major Michael Shiels, and Drum Sergeant Kevin Stone, Their desire for the band is to encourage, recruit and train any keen talent – the band currently has a great mix of musicians older and brand new. In 2022 we were registered as a Charity. SC052022. The band are now looking for a corporate partner who will help ensure longevity of the band and share in their successes.

The opportunity

Some of the biggest brands in the UK have chosen to sponsor PipeBands, brands such as British Airways, Drambuie, Black Bottle Whisky, Scottish Power and John Lewis . The benefits to these brands are clear. The competitions and engagements themselves provide a fantastic platform for exposure to your brand. Thousands of people attend the competitions, with the World Championships themselves attracting in excess of 55,000 visitors, as well as being televised in the UK and globally online. Pipe band enthusiasts have a broad socio-demographic profile too – the events are a draw for young and old alike, with a great family following. Your logo would be prevalent on band collateral and uniforms – the ties, banners and of course, on the drums. The sponsor may also choose to own the name of a new band tartan if required. Sponsors also enjoy the benefits of being able to call upon the services of the band at corporate functions and events. From the full band to a lone piper, the sound and visual impact is both memorable and heart-stirring. Maximum sponsorship allows complete renaming of the band – such an example can be found with Scottish Power, who own the name of the band, the tartan and their visual identity runs across all brand collateral.

Sponsorship options

The sponsorship funds will primarily be used to fund uniforms and band equipment, as well as travel to competitions. Options vary from £100 to £15,000, depending on the level of branding and access you may seek. Donations are very welcome also Sponsorship would run for one year, with the hope that our partner would maintain their investment and involvement beyond that. A full breakdown of band costs and sponsorship options are available from our secretary Dave Purves, who would be absolutely delighted to discuss your requirements further.

Treasurer/administrator: David Purves 07803605295

Pipe Major : Michael Shiels 07044384113

Drum Sergeant : Kevin Stone 07585909606